In 1935, a young lady named ROSE LYNCH had an idea that there should be something she and her teenage female friends could do torender civic services to their community; and to provide some socialoutlets for themselves - there were few for the Black females duringthat time.She bought the assistance of her friend Lettie B. Waller toassist in her organizing efforts for an activity. To these two ladies goes the honor of the founding of this organization. They contacted their friends and were able to get enough participation to enable them to forma group and achieve this goal.This occurred during the reign of the then Black World Heavyweight Champion, Joe Louis; who was epitomized as the, “Brown Bomber”; thus came the name for this female group - theBROWN BOMBERS.
After more than a decade of success as a club,these ladies reluctantly, but mutually agreed to change the name of theorganization to the CUPIDETTES. This name was filed with the state of OHIO with a request for Incorporation.On August 8, 1946, the clubreceived its charter of incorporation and gained the exclusive right tothe name Cupidettes Club, Inc. in the state of Ohio.
A formermember of the Columbus Chapter Mrs. Esterlene Colebrook, relocated toMiami, FL- getting away from the cold and snow.She secured permissionto organize a chapter in Miami and on May 6, 1973 after being grantedpermission and getting enough interested ladies together, the MiamiChapter was formed.In June of that same year, they were initiated and installed by Mrs. Rose Lynch (founder) and Mrs. Peggie Austin (then President of the Columbus Chapter).With the formation of this chapter came a cause to develop a charter for National Affiliation.On February 15, 1974,the two groups came together for a formal meeting to establish policy and rules for these two chapter and any futurechapters. This became the 1st National Convention of Cupidettes Club, Inc.This was held at the Defense Construction Supply Center - a government establishment - in Columbus Ohio with Mrs. Juanita (Whitted)Miller officiating as the first National President. The foundation anddevelopmental structure of the National Organization was firmly laid under her creative and informed leadership.
Mrs. Sybil Johnsonco-founder of the Miami Chapter and mother of Juanita (Whitted) Miller recruited Mrs. Estella (Andrews) Turner and Ana Gibson to form a Tampa Chapter; they were initiated and installed in October of 1975.
Inthe Spring of1976 came the formation of the Springfield, Ohio chapter. Mrs. Juanita Miller was instrumental in the formation of this chapter.Sheintroduced the idea to her cousin Mrs. Yvonne Weems who became the organizer and founder of this chapter.
A former member of the Miami Chapter, Mrs. Sherly Harrison relocated to Troy Alabama and shebecame the the founder and organizer of this chapter in 1976.
Mrs. Linda Richards of the Tampa Chapter relocated her residency to New London, Connecticut and in the spring of 1977, after sharing her enthusiasm and excitement about the Organization with fifteen ladies, she became the organizer and founder of the New London, Connecticut Chapter.
The organization continued its steady pace and growth with the development and organization of the Richmond Heights, Floridachapter by Mrs. Iris Simmons, a former member of the Miami Chapter. This chapter was initiated and installed during the mid-winter board meeting held in 1979 in Miami, Florida.
In the Spring of 1980, Mrs. Sybil Johnson of the Miami Chapter, introduced the Cupidette story to her lifelong friend, Mrs. Mildred Mc Clary.Under her leadership a Chapter was formed and initiated and installed in West Palm Beach, FL.
Initiated and installed on July 12, 1981, just prior to the eight National Convention, the Belle Glade, Fl chapter was formed under the leadership of Mrs. Mildred Mc Clary and Mrs. Dorothy Oliver organizer.
After a brief slow period of recruiting and as the years went on, chapters began to form again beginning in Atlanta, with Ms. Synthia Foster as New Membership Chairperson. Unfortunately, this chapter did not remainoperational very long; however, when two members of the Miami Chapter,Mrs. Juanita Mond and Mrs. Henrietta Williams relocated their residenceto Atlanta, GA, they were able to get together some friends tore-organize a chapter there in 1997.
Continuing growth, Mrs. Christine Gainous of the Miami Chapter, who was the New MembershipChairperson at the time, contacted friends in Chicago, and shared her enthusiastic views about the organization. they became interested andalong with friends and family members of Mrs. Bonnie White of theColumbus Chapter, and a new chapter was formed.They were initiated andinstalled at the mid-winter board meeting in February 1999.
After a while, all the members of this chapter became inactive with theexception of two, Cupidette Anna Ware and Cupidette Lisa Mombo.Thesetwo enthusiastic members have remained loyal to the organization and havebrought their membership back up and functioning as a full operatingchapter.
Still going strong for growth- Cupidette ChristineGainous continued her endeavors by contacting Mrs. Norma Glenn of the Atlanta chapter who was instrumental in the formation of our two newestchapters, Chattanooga, TN and Decatur, AL in the year of 2003.
Againafter relocating, a former member of the Miami Chapter, Cupidette Ann Agbeh relocated to Jacksonville, Flwhere she organized and formed a new chapter of Cupidettes Club in 2006.
In 2020 11-members formed the Houston Chapter
To date the active chapters for the organization are:Decatur AL, Chicago, IL, Houston, TX and Miami, FL
Ourcommitment to render service to others less fortunate than ourselves orto help others achieve their goals, has no doubt contributed to thegrowth and success that we have already achieved.This an only providethis organization the basic foundation it needs to continue to promoteits ideas, ideals, and goals as we strive to do a good deed and show kindness, understanding that; “we shall not pass this way”
FOUNDERS:Cupidette Rose Lynch was elected National President in 1976 and served two terms.She remained activewith the Columbus Chapter until her death at which time she had givenmore than four decades of service to the Organization.Cupidette LettieWaller remained active in the Columbus Chapter until her death in 1979
It is rewarding and entertaining to listen to tales told of experiences ofour Sisters during the times that we gather for meetings
Like those before us; steady and strong -We will walk. For those who doubt our ability - We will run. To heights yet unforeseen - We will climb. With wisdom of a better way - We will live.